Voting Statistics
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Voter turnout data and analyses can now be found on the UF Election Lab website.
I will continue to provide the data below for posterity, but the most recent data may be found on the UF Election Lab website.
National Turnout Rates, 1787-2018
The complete time series of national presidential and midterm general election turnout rates from 1787-present.
National and State Turnout Rates
Provided below are national and state turnout rates for the voting-eligible population for the 1980-2014 November general elections (spreadsheet for this entire series). This spreadsheet now includes VAP and VEP estimates for the 2014 general election.
National and state turnout rates for the 2000-present elections are also available on the web pages below, with specific data notes.
Questions about these voter turnout statistics? Please see the FAQ.
Voter Demographics
Selected voter turnout rates by demographic groups from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey (corrected for vote over-report and non-response bias).
Early Vote
Leading into some elections, near-real time early voting statistics -- mail ballots or in-person -- are collected for states or localities, where available. Legacy pages provided here almost certainly do not reflect realized totals as data collection typically stops on Election Day.
For those looking for 2024 early voting data my tracker and other election data are now hosted on the UF Election Lab website. The data on this site is no longer maintained or updated.