
2018 November General Election Early Voting

Last updated: 11/6/18

Total number of ballots cast in all reporting jurisdictions: 39,054,218

Scroll down for a table of statistics on ballots returned and ballots requested or sent. This table has the most current tally of total returned ballots.



    • The National Association of Secretaries of States maintains a handy calendar that tracks the mail balloting and in-person early voting dates.

    • For comparison, see the 2014 early vote statistics.

About These Statistics

    • I post snap analysis and charts of early voting statistics on my Twitter feed @ElectProject.

    • Election officials may not report early voting statistics. I attempt to collect as much of the information about these ballots as possible. However, I do not hound election officials for these statistics because they are busy doing the important work of preparing for the upcoming election. Sometimes data will be available only at the local level. I cannot continuously scan for local data, so I appreciate tips on where to find data.

    • Some states may report early voting statistics by party registration (if a state has party registration), race, gender, and age. It is important to understand breakdowns of early voters by party registration are not votes. We do not know who a person registered with a party voted for. Early votes are tabulated on Election Day or after, depending if a state accepts mail ballots postmarked on Election Day. That said, we might infer that a person registered with a party is likely to support their party's presidential nominee.

Direct link to spreadsheet.

If you want a copy of these data for your use, please navigate to the tab you want, select all (Ctrl-A on most computers), copy (Ctrl-C), and paste (Ctrl-V) into your local spreadsheet. I ignore all requests for access to the Google Doc spreadsheet. Please don't request access to the spreadsheet as I filter those requests into my trash.

2018 Early Vote.xlsx